Real life

Well I’m alive. Sorry for being away for so long, but this time I actually have a good reason for being gone for so long. On June 11 I started working 8 hour days 5 days a week, my nephew has had ball games almost every night and tournaments on the weekends, family has come in to visit and I took a mini vacation to Cedar Point with my family, then when I got back from Cedar Point I got sick and I am actually still recovering. Tonight is actually my first free night in I don’t know how long. I have been nothing, but exhausted and have gotten very little knitting done, especially since on top of all that I has been going on I am still taking grad classes. So far classes have been going well though.

I don’t have any pictures of my finished fingerless gloves or gemini to show you because I haven’t found a time where I actually look decent to take them, but here are some pictures of my on going new works in progress, some pictures from Cedar Point, and my new favorite kitchen appliance.

Different Lines shawl from Veera Välimäki. I am using my luna grey ripe peach and charcoal.

Different Lines shawl from Veera Välimäki. I am using my Luna Grey ripe peach and charcoal.

Here:s the Abate that I am making for my niece Olivia, the designer is Alicia Plum from Plum Dandi Designs. I am a big fan of almost all of her designs, but not until recently have I purchased anything of hers, but expect to see a lot more projects from her designs soon. This will essentially be Olivia's Christmas gift.

Here:s the Abate that I am making for my niece Olivia, the designer is Alicia Plummer from Two Little Plums Designs. I am a big fan of almost all of her designs, but not until recently have I purchased anything of hers, but expect to see a lot more projects from her designs soon. This will essentially be Olivia’s Christmas gift.


Here’s the sunset from the shore of the lake at Cedar Point.


The Ferris Wheel during the day at Cedar Point.


The Ferris Wheel, Swings, and Wicked Twister at night at Cedar Point.


The new Kitchenaid mixer that my mom bought because I burnt up her crappy little hand one. I love this mixer and have big plans for it. I have already made about 3 to 4 dozen cookies with it!

I love deadlines

Just recently I have realized that I love and need deadlines. If I don’t have deadlines the things I really have no interest in making or doing and things that I find difficult or boring will never get done. Like home work, if it didn’t have concrete deadlines, I would never get it done, because well I am the queen of procrastination. Another example quite a few months ago I told you that I was hired to make and design two pairs of fingerless gloves, I was told that I didn’t need to have them done until June 11 which is the last day of school. Well guess what I really haven’t worked on them seriously until, well now. But they are almost done now, I have one pair done and the other pair started. Also I set a huge project deadline everything that I have on the needles minus the helix scarf and a pair of socks were also to be done by June 11th. Which means the gemini, love braid cardigan, strathcona, mackinac, cap sleeve lattice top, annis, baby bunny hat, and two pairs of fingerless gloves. I set this back at the end of March and I’m proud to report the annis and one pair of fingerless gloves are left.

Deadlines are great! It just took me almost 23 years to figure that out. Now as I mentioned above the Gemini and the Love braid are complete. Now I don’t have pictures of the Gemini yet but they are coming soon. But here is the Love Braid.

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I really enjoyed making it surprisingly, and well I actually enjoyed seaming it up also. Maybe the fact that I enjoyed seaming it up will help me to power through some up and coming projects that require seaming also.

Now with the love braid cardigan I ended up running out of yarn and having to buy more because I chose to knit an extra half an inch to the arm before I started the shoulder shaping. By adding on that extra length I had to buy an extra ball and only use 6 grams of it, but it was worth it because it fits just right. It would have been tighter than I would have liked around the arms other wise. S0 I love the fit and I am so happy with it!