It’s beginning to look a lot like…

A sweater! I am so excited! Yes I have basically been working on this sweater nonstop, I have rarely put it down for a different project, but details, details I will be wearing this sweater in two days tops! By Sunday I plan to have it finished and oh goodness does it look great! I love this pattern Jane Richmond did it again. She designed a fabulous, simple pattern that you just don’t want to put down. Here are some pictures of the sweater. Also here is a link to my ravelry Raglan sweater project page.

So close to being finished! All that's left is the sleeves and the ribbing around the neck.

So close to being finished! All that’s left is the sleeves and the ribbing around the neck. Oh and excuse my pup Snoopy she didn’t want to move out-of-the-way for the picture.

Due to poor lighting it looks a tad bit yellow/greenish but here is a more aerial view.

Due to poor lighting it looks a tad bit yellow/greenish but here is a more aerial view.

So everything has been going really well with the sweater, I only made one blunder but caught it before I finished. Not thinking I did a 2×2 ribbing when it called for a 1×1. Luckily I was only an inch in, so I pulled it out and started over with the 1×1. I like the look of the 1×1 for this project a lot better than the 2×2. The sweater does fit really well though! I didn’t want to put it on tonight, but when I get completely finished I will totally post pictures of me wearing it. Hopefully in better light.

So I just started one of the sleeves and in doing that I had to pick up twelve stitches and might I add it turned out wonderfully. I was concerned with doing it because this is the first project were it was important I did it right and well I did. I am so happy with how it looks!

Under the arm/armpit where I picked up the stitches! It turned out so well!

Under the arm/armpit where I picked up the stitches! It turned out so well!

Just recently Shannon from luvinthemommyhood posted a link from an older post of hers where Jane Richmond herself made a picture tutorial on the way to pick up stitches click here to go to that post. She also posted here a few other places for tutorials on it.After reading through it I feel loads more confident and I have the result to prove it!.

So besides working on the sweater I have worked on my for the love of pink cowl some, my top-secret project, and I started a new pair of socks with a new technique that I have been too nervous to try until now. The technique is the magic loop and to top it all off besides learning that I also decided to jump in feet first and knit two socks while I am at it, so far it is going very well.

I used the Judy’s magic cast on for the toe, it is my go to sock cast on I love it and I am using the universal toe-up sock formula for the rest of it.


I’m generally pretty OCD about symmetry, but surprisingly enough I really don’t care if my self stripping socks look identical. Now if they were very clear bold stripes I would, but these I really could care less.

More Snoopy pictures! Isn’t she cute?!


What new techniques have you been wanting to try? Do you have a project you just can’ t put down?